jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015

Visit by IES Celestino Mutis Year 3 to Carranque Archeological Park

At the remains of the villa in Carranque we saw the influence of the Roman civilisation on Spanish art, but also Posterior visigoth, christian and Islamic influences from other uses of the villa after Roman times.

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2015


We visited Lavrio. The Lavrio is an open mineralogical museum and an open-air and underground industrial museum with numerous mining and metallurgical monuments, ancient and modern. We refer particularly to the unique internationally metal workshops, ancient machines - flat and helical - argyromolyvdouchon enrichment of ores and prominent industrial, metallurgical complex of the former French Mining Company Lavriou. The Greek and Spanish group visited Sounio at the end of this educational trip.

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

Art Collaborations

The Timeline of Greece:
During the ten days visit of our partners in Greece , the students had to take photographs of monuments, sightseeings, buildings e.t.c that would be representative of different time periods. At the end of the trip, the best photos were arranged at the proper time line by mixed students groups. The final result is exhibited at our school.

The mask of ancient theatre:
The Greek and Spanish students participated in a workshop to construct masks of ancient theatre 

The hive of friendship:
Each student painted with its own way a regular hexagon and all together are joined and create the hive of their friendship. 

Workshop for traditional music and songs:
The Spanish and Greek students constructed music instruments and sang a traditional song